Hate cleaning up empties after a party? FastRack is the latest bar gadget solving the problem of scattered, smelly beer bottles.
The Beer Drinkers new bar gadget for empties. This recycling system will complete any bar set. Keep your home bar clean and beer drinking occasions organized with help from this home recycling system.
Product Description
Some Beer Gadgets are more useful than others. This recycling system will complete the modern mans bar set. Empties are magnetically attracted to FastRacks. Keep your party clean and stylish.
What Others are Saying
Home Bar Enthusiast Review from Around the World
"You can file this invention under, so absurdly obvious that it's brilliant."
"Simply load up 24 bottles upside down, allowing them to drain, and even stack multiple FastRacks for those massive social gatherings."
"Thanks to the FastRack Empty Beer Bottle System we found, you'll be able to spend less time cleaning up and more time enjoying your party."
"The FastRack Empty Beer Bottle System is the perfect tool for those of you actually doing the cleaning."
"The FastRack bottling system will keep those empty beer bottles nicely uniformed for recycling or disposal. If you buy cans, then fuck off ! (Just kidding!!!)"
"You have a successful party and the next thing you know, you are cleaning up bottles from all over the house. Isn’t there an easier way? These guys think so"
Gear Diary
"If you and your pals go through beer like it's your jobs, leaving a bottle-ridden house in your wake, best check out FastRack"
Gear Hungry
"When you're finished drinking, you simply drop your bottle into one of the slots and you're on to the next one."
"The FastRack is the "World's Best Empty Beer Bottle System" and would make cleaning up after a Tuesday afternoon in the FHM offices a pleasure, rather than a deadly chore the intern has to do..."