Meet FastWasher™
Fast, hands-free bottle cleaning and sanitizing has arrived!

Wash em all.
FastWasher works for a wide range bottles used for different applications. Wash 12 big or small bottles with the FW12 or 24 small bottles with the FW24 at the same time.

Sanitize with ease.
Never has cleaning and sanitizing your bottles been quicker and easier. Load your bottles in to the rack, turn on the washer and let the powerful pumps do all the work. No scrubbing, no nonsense.

We’ve designed the FastWasher to take care of the cleaning and sanitizing
so you can focus on the fun stuff!
Fast and Powerful.
Cut bottle washing time in half. Cut bottle sanitizing time by 90%.
FastWashers work on almost every bottle type made.
Easy Assembly.
Assemble in just minutes using only a screwdriver.
Starting at just over the cost of a 5-gallon beer kit, FastWasher is a great value!
Made from high-density plastic, the FastWasher will last for 1000s of bottle washings.
What the experts are saying about FastWasher:
'I need this ASAP'
I've looked at your prototypes. The only thing I can say is that you can't produce this fast enough for me. They look great. I hate the cleaning/sanitizing bottles phase, so I need this, ASAP, please!!
-Daniel Pambianchi
FastWasher Kit Contents and Specifications:

Special Introductory Pricing!
Check out our FastWasher12 prototype in action!
FastWasher12 and FastWasher24 are both Patent Pending.